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1 Descendants of Thomas Packer Generation No THOMAS 1 PACKER was born 1458 in Cheltenham parish, Gloucestershire, Englan...

Descendants of Thomas Packer Generation No. 1 1. THOMAS1 PACKER was born 1458 in Cheltenham parish, Gloucestershire, England, and died 1558. He married MARGARET KIBBLEWHITE Abt. 1489, daughter of JOHN KIBBLEWHITE. She was born Abt. 1462 in South Fawley, Berkshire, England. More About THOMAS PACKER and MARGARET KIBBLEWHITE: Marriage: Abt. 1489 Child of THOMAS PACKER and MARGARET KIBBLEWHITE is: 2.

i. JOHN2 PACKER, b. Abt. 1496, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England; d. Abt. 1558, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England.

Generation No. 2 2. JOHN2 PACKER (THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1496 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, and died Abt. 1558 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. He married AGNES. She died December 26, 1562 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. Child of JOHN PACKER and AGNES is: 3.

i. WILLIAM*3 PACKER, b. Abt. 1535, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England; d. March 1599/00, Middlesex, England.

Generation No. 3 3. WILLIAM*3 PACKER (JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1535 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, and died March 1599/00 in Middlesex, England. He married ELIZABETH BORWELL May 06, 1565 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. She was born Abt. 1538 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, and died May 1611 in Twickenham, Middlesex, England. Notes for WILLIAM* PACKER: [Master File.ftw] Of Hertfordshire; lived near or in Westminster, England until moving to Twickenham village abt 1564; a clerk in the Privy Seal office by 1557; had property in Isleworth, Middlesex, and a lease on the manor of Stoke Archer (Orchard) in Gloucestershire. More About WILLIAM* PACKER: Burial: March 13, 1599/00, Twickenham, Middlesex, England Occupation: Clerk of the Privy Seal to Queen Elizabeth I. More About ELIZABETH BORWELL: Burial: May 27, 1611, Twickenham, Middlesex, England More About WILLIAM* PACKER and ELIZABETH BORWELL: Marriage: May 06, 1565, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England Child of WILLIAM* PACKER and ELIZABETH BORWELL is:


i. JOHN*4 PACKER, b. November 12, 1572, Twickenham, Middlesex, England; d. February 15, 1648/49, Westminster, Middlesex, England.

Generation No. 4 4. JOHN*4 PACKER (WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born November 12, 1572 in Twickenham, Middlesex, England, and died February 15, 1648/49 in Westminster, Middlesex, England. He married PHILLIPPA MYLLES July 13, 1613 in St. Catharine Cree,London,England, daughter of ESQUIRE FRANCIS MYLLES. She was born 1590 in Westminster,London,England, and died November 21, 1665. Notes for JOHN* PACKER: [Master File.ftw] John was a very religous person. He was also an extremely well educated person. In addition to being Clerk of the Privy Seal, he was employed both in England and abroad by King James I and King Charles I as Secretary to several Ambassadors. All of this information was taken from a tribute to him given at Westminster Abbey by his son-in-law, John Browne Note: Lineage . Educated at Westminster school and then matriculated at TrinityCollege, Oxford 13 Mar 1590 at age 17 where he graduated with a B.A. degree in 1594; also received a M.A. degree at Cambridge when he accompanied James I there in 1615; obtained a grant in reversion of a clerkship of the Privy Seal 11 Jul 1604; bought the manor of Groombridge from Lord Dorset in 1625 and Chilton Foliatt before 1629; he rebuilt Groombridge Chapel in gratitiude for the safe return of Charles, Prince of Wales, from Spain; Charles granted Packer at Charles' coronation, the manor of Shillingford in Berkshire; refused a request from Charles in 1639 for a loan, allying himself with parliament, with the result that all his property except Groombridge was confiscated by the Crown; died at his house in Westminster. A SHORT HISTORY OF ST JOHN'S, GROOMBRIDGE The history of a church in Old Groombridge goes back to 1239 when William Russell and his wife Haweis were granted a charter to build the Chapel of St John the Apostle and Evangelist. This was a chantry, a small building within the moat of the manor house, consecrated for the saying of Masses for the souls of its benefactors. Lands were granted to Sir Robert, Rector of Speldhurst, to pay the stipend of the Chaplain performing this duty.

Groombridge Church in 1807

Groombidge Church in 1853 The present Church is built in the last stage of the Gothic style, known as perpendicular. It is a historic reminder of an event, more than three and a half centuries ago, when Prince Charles (later to be King Charles I) made a journey to Spain in disguise to try to persuade the daughter of the Spanish King to elope with him. The event caused great concern to the people of England who still had the memory of the Spanish Armada fresh in their minds. At this time John Packer, Clerk of the Privy Seal to Charles I, was living in the manor at Groombridge and he vowed that if Charles returned safe from Spain he would build a chapel in his park as a thanks-offering to God. When Charles returned safe in both senses, unscathed and unmarried, the Chapel was built and finished in 1625 and this is recorded in the Latin inscription above the porch. Although there was still the small chapel inside the moat of the manor house, which served for the family and its retainers, the villagers had up until then had to go to Speldhurst for Sunday worship and for baptisms, weddings and funerals. So the building of the new Chapel made it much easier for the villagers to attend church. With the chapel went a piece of land as a burial-ground, and the registers show that the first person to be buried there was John Lee on 13th June 1633.

Groombridge Church Today John Packer’s Church remained a private Chapel from 1625-1872, and for a time it became known as St Charles’ Chapel. In later years, after the last male member of the Packer family had died, the estate became vested in Chancery and the Chapel fell into disrepair. When William Camfield, a Tunbridge Wells builder, bought Groombridge Place in 1754 he “repaired and beautified” the chapel “from a very ruinous condition” and he then added his name to the Packer stone over the porch in letters twice as large as the original inscription. In spite of Camfield’s beautifying, by the beginning of the 19th century the building is described by Amsinck in his "Tunbridge Wells and Neighbourhood" (*see below) as in a wretched state of dilapidation. It was subsequently re-roofed. In 1872 the Church was officially consecrated and dedicated, as in ancient times, to St John the Evangelist. In 1895 a fire caused by lightning seriously damaged the east end. This was repaired but in 1912 it was found that the roof had not been properly supported and was weighing too heavily on the top of the wall and breaking up the window arches. Some of the buttresses, too, were

separating from the walls they were meant to support. This was put right at the cost of £300, a large sum in those days. One of the main attractions of this Church is its wealth of stained glass, which was mainly introduced in the latter part of the 19th century. Six of the eight large windows are the work of the celebrated Sussex artist, Charles Kempe, but also of special note is the centre light of the S.E. window, featuring the armorial bearings of the Packer family. This is the original glass, dating from the building of the Church. Another glory of the chapel is the brass-work. There are four brass chandeliers hanging over the aisle, one of them said to be Flemish 17th century work and the others copies. Also of note are the decorative candlesticks around the walls, the oak pulpit and font and the many memorials. The clock at the west end is very old. It is one of the few remaining one-handed clocks in the country and the space between the figures is divided into four and not five. The date on the clock face is 1792 but the clock itself is much earlier. * "In the hamlet of Groombridge, adjoining the mansion, and an appendage to the estate, is a chapel, in which the service of the Church of England is regularly performed ; apparently to the danger of the minister and his congregation : it being in a wretched state of dilapidation. This chapel, which was built in the year 1625, is whimsically dedicated by John Packer, Esq. the owner of this estate, in an inscription over the porch, to the happy return of Charles Prince of Wales, from his eccentric amorous expedition to Spain : a singular mode of perpetuating the remembrance of a wild exploit; which, however, if it is to depend on this memorial, will speedily pass into oblivion."

More About JOHN* PACKER: Burial: The Cloister,St. Margarets,Westminster,London,England Education: 1594, BA from Trinity College, Cambridge, England Occupation: Clerk of the Privy Seal to King James I, King Charles I More About PHILLIPPA MYLLES: Burial: Shaw Cum Don, Berkshire, England More About JOHN* PACKER and PHILLIPPA MYLLES: Marriage: July 13, 1613, St. Catharine Cree,London,England Child of JOHN* PACKER and PHILLIPPA MYLLES is: 5.

i. ESQUIRE PHILIP*5 PACKER, b. June 24, 1618, Groombridge Estate, Speldhurst, Kent England; d. December 24, 1686, Groombridge Estate, Speldhurst, Kent England.

Generation No. 5

Philip Packer 5. ESQUIRE PHILIP*5 PACKER (JOHN*4, WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born June 24, 1618 in Groombridge Estate, Speldhurst, Kent England, and died December 24, 1686 in Groombridge Estate, Speldhurst, Kent England. He married (1) ISABELLA BERKELEY July 20, 1652 in Groombridge,Kent,ENGLAND, daughter of ROBERT BERKELEY and ELIZABETH CONYERS. She was born August 18, 1631 in Groombridge,Kent,ENGLAND, and died March 19, 1664/65 in London,Middlesex,ENGLAND. He married (2) SARAH* ISGAR December 29, 1666 in Marylebone, Middlesex, England, daughter of WILLIAM* ISGAR and ELIZABETH SAINSBURY. She was born January 1625/26 in West Lavington, Wiltshire, England, and died September 17, 1677 in Groombridge Estate, Speldhurst, Kent England.

Notes for ESQUIRE PHILIP* PACKER: [Master File.ftw] Note: Lineage . Baron Haye (Marquis of Buckingham) and the Countess of Dorsetwere sponsors at his baptism; childhood most likely spent in London at Shellingford (Groombridge) Manor and Chilton Foliatt ;matriculated at Oxford 11 Dec 1635; in 1639 was admitted to the Middle Temple to study law; called to the bar there 28 May 1647,thereafter serving as a barrister-at-law; nominated 26 Jun 1661 for membership in The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge; held lands in Ireland where his second wife probably raised her sons by Phillip; Will written in 1684. Groombridge Place is a moated manor house set in magnificent grounds all of which are being restored. In 1239 the site boasted a feudal castle built by the Baron, William Russell. During the Civil War the Castle was largely destroyed. With the restoration of the monarchy in 1660, Philip Packer, a member of the kings court, set about rebuilding the estate. Inspired by Chistopher Wren he built the classical mansion, and John Evelyn who visited frequently advised the design for the formal gardens which have survived virtually unaltered to this day.

Groombridge Today

From "Historic Kent Villages" The Village of Groombridge Groombridge teeters on the very borders of Kent and Sussex. In fact, part if it actually spills over into the neighbouring county and there is some local controversy about whether it should remain thus divided or be absorbed wholly into one county or the other. At one corner of the triangular green the Crown Inn keeps a friendly eye on the 17th century brick church of St John the Evangelist. This began life as a chapel built by a Protestant owner of Groombridge Place in thanksgiving for the failure of Charles I's plans to marry the Catholic Infanta of Spain. The church overlooks the green from across the B2188, from which an access to the Burrswood Centre slices the green in two. The Burrswood Christian Centre for Health Care and Ministry, established in 1960, includes a church, a conference centre and tea room. It offers physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and other treatments for physical and spiritual ills in 220 acres of some of the most beautiful countryside in England, itself a balm to both heart

and soul. Two sides of the green are framed by tile-hung and weatherboarded cottages behind pollarded lime trees, creating a picture-postcard scene that is both peaceful and, at the same time, oddly lifeless, in spite of the fairly constant stream of traffic that passes it. There is though, nothing lifeless about moated Groombridge Place, which advertises its welcome to paying customers to explore the wholly delightful gardens and grounds. The house, although not open to the public, can still be admired from across the moat. It boasts a 700-year history, beginning in 1239, when Henry III gave his permission for a fortified and moated castle to be built. In 1286, a Charter of Edward I permitted the founding of a weekly market and annual fair at Groombridge. The fair died out in the early 1900s but the market was still being held every week until the middle of the century.

The Moat Through the centuries, Groombridge Place has been owned by some of Kent's most distinguished families, including the de Cobhams and that Sir Richard Waller who, after the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, found the wounded Duke of Orleans, half-brother of the French King, and brought his back to Groombridge. Here he was nursed back to health while waiting for the ransom that was demanded for his return to be paid. Unfortunately for Sir Richard, word got around and the prisoner was claimed by the Crown, as was the huge ransom that was eventually paid for him. After the Wallers, the castle was owned by the Sackvilles (of Knole, at Sevenoaks) but it was the 17th century owner, Philip Packer, who rebuilt it pretty much as it is today. After 1734, the house lay empty and falling into dereliction for twenty years, during which time it may well have been used by the notorious Groombridge Gang of smugglers as a 'hide'. The gang was finally broken up and one of its leaders, John Bowra, who turned land agent and map maker, was commissioned to draw up an estate plan, which is still preserved at Groombridge Place. The new owner, William Camfield, restored not only the house but St John's church and the village generally. After the Camfields, the estate was inherited by the Rev John James Saint and his family, who are commemorated pretty prominently in the churchyard.

The diarist, John Evelyn, who was a friend of the Packers during their ownership and stayed at Groombridge Place more than once, described it as 'a pretty melancholy seat, well wooded and watered' and he confided to his diary his opinion that the new house would have been far better situated south of the wood. Nevertheless, there is some reason to believe he helped design the gardens although he probably did not envisage such features as the Enchanted Forest, Sacred Pools, Draughtsman's Garden with its giant chess and draughts sets, and much else besides, all designed to help Groombridge Place compete with other major attractions.

Gardens at Groombridge More About ESQUIRE PHILIP* PACKER: Burial: Groombridge Estate, Speldhurst, Kent England Christening: June 24, 1618, Westminster Abbey Education: December 11, 1635, Matriculated at Trinity University Occupation: Barrister of the Middle Temple Religion: Episcopalian More About ISABELLA BERKELEY: Burial: St. Margarets,Westminster,London,ENGLAND

Isabella Berkeley More About PHILIP* PACKER and ISABELLA BERKELEY: Marriage: July 20, 1652, Groombridge,Kent,ENGLAND Notes for SARAH* ISGAR: [Master File.ftw] Sarah's burial site was discovered by Donna Smith Packer, her husband and Dr. V. Ben Bloxham, an American genealogist, in Groombridge Chapel. The carpet was taken up and in the floor, before the altar, the stone was found. The inscription on the stone reads: UNDER THIS STONE LIE THE REMAINS OF SARA PACKER, BELOVED SECOND WIFE OF PHILIP PACKER, ESQ., WHO DIED 17TH

SEPTEMBER A.D. 1677 Raised in West Lavington village; was in London by 1654 at the Chelsea home of Sir John Danvers; probably raised her sons by Phillip in Ireland until she married him and moved to Groombridge; all of her children were illegitimate issue with Phillip .

Sarah Isgar More About SARAH* ISGAR: Burial: before the altar of Groomsbridge Chapel

More About PHILIP* PACKER and SARAH* ISGAR: Marriage: December 29, 1666, Marylebone, Middlesex, England Child of PHILIP* PACKER and SARAH* ISGAR is: 6.

i. PHILIP*6 PACKER II, b. March 19, 1656/57, London, England; d. 1739, Burlington,NJ.

Generation No. 6 6. PHILIP*6 PACKER II (PHILIP*5, JOHN*4, WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born March 19, 1656/57 in London, England, and died 1739 in Burlington,NJ. He married REBECCA JONES Abt. 1702 in Philadelphia,PA, daughter of DANIEL JONES and MARY. She was born Abt. 1685 in Philadelphia,PA, and died May 30, 1768 in Burlington,NJ. Notes for PHILIP* PACKER II: [Master File.ftw]

Philip Packer II Although Philip was born in London, he was raised in Ireland. Obviously, given the mores of that period, he had no legal claim to any property of his father. It is not clear whether in fact he and his brothers used the name Packer or if they went by their mother's name, Isgar. The father, Philip had substantial holdings in Ireland, so it posed no problem to have his "second" family there. Philip was an indentured slave to Joseph Fisher of Dublin. After his servitude of four years, he was to receive 50 acres of land in the colony of Pennsylvania. He was given his freedom on August 14, 1687. In 1689 he was a yoeman of the Philadelphia Co. and was appointed as the administrator of his wife's estate.

Note: Lineage . As an illegitimate child, Phillip could not inherit anything from his father, was reared in Ireland by his mother; he immigrated to Philadelphia on the Lion of Liverpool 14 Aug 1683 as an indentured servant of Joseph Fisher and his wife Elizabeth (of Stillorgin, near Dublin, Ireland); Philip to receive no money, but after his 4-year indenture was up, to receive 50 acres of land; was of Philadelphia Co, PA in 10 Sep 1689 as a yeoman; settled in Burlington, NJ by 1705. Much of what we know about the Packer family before 1850 comes from research done by Warren Packer from Evansville, Indiana. The following are excerpts from his letter to Richard Packer dated 27 Feb,1958. Philip Packer arrived in Philadelphia on the Lion of Liverpool on 14 August 1683 as an indentured servant of Joseph Fisher. He had four years to serve and was to receive 50 acres of land but no money at the end of his indenture. The Fishers were from Stillgorin, near Dublin, Ireland but we think that Philip was from England. Two years later, 10 Sept 1685, Philip married in the house of Joseph Fisher in Philadelphia to Hannah Sessions, who was born 11 June 1665 in Oxfordshire, England. Her parents, James and Ann Sessions, were members of the Friends Meeting at Witney, Oxfordshire, before coming to America. The next record of Philip Packer that we find was 10 Sept, 1689 when he was a yeoman of Philadelphia County. He was appointed administrator of the estate of his mother in law, Ann Sessions. The second wife of Philip Packer was Rebecca Jones, who came with her parents from Wales. She married 27 March, 1741. We do not know when Hannah died . We do know that Philip Jr. was Hannah's son. Philip Packer Jr., was born 1686 in Pa. He married in 1724 in Chester Co., Pa. to Ann Coates, daughter. of Peter Coates. She was born in Ireland, and the family came to America as the result of the "war" against Protestants in Ireland. The Coates family was Antibaptist. Philip Packer, Jr., lived in New Jersey and then moved to the head of Chester, in Maryland., for a short time, finally going to the vicinity of Yellow Springs in Chester Co. He died in Pikeland Twp., Chester Co. He was injured in the back in a sawmill accident and struck by a pitman (whatever that was) so that in later years he was feeble and walked with two staves. At one time he lived with his son James in Uwchland Twp. , Chester Co. near Downington. Later he lived with his son Moses, who was bound to support his father and mother. Ann live with her son Moses as a widow until he moved to York Co., Penn., at which time she went to live with her son James and died at the close of the Revolutionary War. Philip Packer, Jr., was connected with the Friends Society in Burlington Co., New Jersey, and later with the East Caln Monthly Meeting in Chester Co., Penn. Philip and Ann had five children, among whom was James. James Packer was born in Middlesex Co., New Jersey, 4 Feb,1726 . James died at Howard , Centre Co., 10 Jan 1805, and is buried in the Old Packer cemetery near Howard. He married at East Caln Monthly Meeting of Friends in Chester Co., 1Jan, 1752 to Rose Mendenhall, who was born Chester Co., 4 August 1733 and died at Bald Eagle, Jun 1824; her parents were Aaron and Rose (Pierson) Mendenhall. From various records we find that James Packer went from New Providence Monthly Meeting to Gwynedd, 30 Nov , 1750 and from Gwynedd to Goshen. The tax lists of Chester Co. show that he was in Pikeland twp. 1765-1781. He was taxed in East Caln twp., 1767-1771. He evidently did not live in Pikeland, as he was taxed on property only and not on animals. In 1794 he was taxed on a mill in Centre Co., Penn. In 1796 he was overseer of the poor in Bald Eagle twp., which at that time was in Centre Co. The tax records Centre co. show that in 1801 he was taxed on 50 acres and 1 horse; in 1802 on 250 acres; in 1803 on 200 acres, and again in 1804 on 200 acres. In 1808, Rose Packer was taxed on 265 acres, as she was in 1809 and 1810. The land records of Centre Co. show that on 19 Dec 1796 James Packer, Sr. received of Thomas Johnston ( who was his son-in-law) and James Packer Jr., 34 pounds, 9 shillings, for part of the money due for a tract of land, 200 acres, mill, and sawmill. On 19 May 1800, James Packer, Sr., settled with Thomas Johnston for 200 acres, gristmill, and sawmill, with James Packer, Jr., present. Among the thirteen children of James and Rose was James Jr. who was the father of Gov. William Fisher Packer and Aaron Packer. The birth record of Aaron is found in the Uwchland Monthly Meeting records as 5 November 1764. He married Hannah Johnston, who died 1804, age 40, and is buried in the Packer cemetery. In the 1801tax list of Centre Co., Aaron Packer was taxed on 20 acres and 1 cow. In 1802, Aaron Packer, a blacksmith, was taxed on 25 acres, as he was until 1804. We do not find any record of him after that time. Aaron and Hannah had six children, among whom was Jehu Packer. Jehu Packer ( in some of the records as John ) was born 15 October 1792 in Chester Co., Penn., and died in

Howard twp., 31 January 1852. He married Sarah Lowe or Dow, who was born in 1793 and died 15 February 1871, Dau. of Patrick Lowe or Dow. they are both buried in the Packer cemetery. His will is on file in Centre Co. I found him listed in 1830 census of Bald Eagle twp., Centre Co. as well as in the 1850 census of Howard twp. He and Sarah had twelve children among whom was Maria, born 25 September 1827. Maria Packer , a daughter of Jehu and Sarah (Lowe or Dow) Packer. She was born 25 September 1827 and married Henry Glossner. I don't have their marriage date. It is not known for sure why Jared Packer was in the Glossner family. The brothers of Maria Packer Glossner were Job Way Packer, John Johnson Packer, Cornelius Lemborn Packer,James, William Nelson, All of these men lived much beyond 1850 and would not have left a son to be living in the household of their sister. In 1885 Reuben Glossner was appointed administrator of Henry Glossner, late of the Borough of Howard, Center co. with widow Maria. In order to solve the mystery of why Jared or (Jairus) was given the name Packer rather than Glossner I wrote to his daughter Mrs. Guyer I received her reply today 28 Feb 1958. She said that her father was buried seventy years the fourth of January at Howard. . She said that he was killed and that he worked in the woods as a lumberman. She also stated that his mother gave him her maiden name which was Packer, for what reason she never heard. It might have been that he was born out of wedlock. The above was in Family Tree Maker, CD Vol 1-1637. Much more information was gathered from Family Tree Maker, CD Vol 4-2818. The information on the line from Jehu down to Zella was researched and entered by Daniel Ellis Howe. Much of the info was taken from: Linn's, History of Centre and Clinton Counties Pennsylvania, 1883. The Packer information has also been checked against the information contained in a very fine book written by Donna Smith Packer titled "On Footings From The Past: The Packers in England". More About PHILIP* PACKER II: Immigration: August 14, 1683, Arrived in Philadelphia aboard Lion of Liverpool Religion: Quaker Notes for REBECCA JONES: [Master File.ftw] Emigrated in 1682 with her parents from North Wales, England; ofBurlington Co, NJ at the time of her 2nd marriage. More About REBECCA JONES: Religion: Quaker More About PHILIP* PACKER and REBECCA JONES: Marriage: Abt. 1702, Philadelphia,PA Child of PHILIP* PACKER and REBECCA JONES is: 7.

i. MARTHA7 PACKER, b. Abt. 1700, Pensauken,Camden,NJ; d. May 30, 1768, Burlington,NJ.

Generation No. 7 7. MARTHA7 PACKER (PHILIP*6, PHILIP*5, JOHN*4, WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1700 in Pensauken,Camden,NJ, and died May 30, 1768 in Burlington,NJ. She married THOMAS JOYCE Abt. 1718. He was born 1693 in Evesham,Burlington,NJ, and died December 1784 in Evesham,Burlington,NJ. More About THOMAS JOYCE and MARTHA PACKER: Marriage: Abt. 1718


i. MARY8 JOYCE, b. Abt. 1721, Burlington County, New Jersey.

Generation No. 8 8. MARY8 JOYCE (MARTHA7 PACKER, PHILIP*6, PHILIP*5, JOHN*4, WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1721 in Burlington County, New Jersey. She married EMANUEL STRATTON II February 20, 1740/41 in Burlington County, New Jersey, son of EMANUEL* STRATTON and HANNAH HANco*ck. He was born 1717 in Evesham,Burlington,NJ, and died September 1781 in Burlington County, New Jersey. More About EMANUEL STRATTON and MARY JOYCE: Marriage: February 20, 1740/41, Burlington County, New Jersey Child of MARY JOYCE and EMANUEL STRATTON is: 9.

i. SAMUEL9 STRATTON, b. 1752, Burlington County, New Jersey; d. Abt. 1788.

Generation No. 9 9. SAMUEL9 STRATTON (MARY8 JOYCE, MARTHA7 PACKER, PHILIP*6, PHILIP*5, JOHN*4, WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1752 in Burlington County, New Jersey, and died Abt. 1788. He married ELIZABETH PRICE August 24, 1771 in Burlington County, New Jersey, daughter of REESE PRICE and MARY REEVES. She was born Abt. 1756 in Burlington County, New Jersey. More About SAMUEL STRATTON and ELIZABETH PRICE: Marriage: August 24, 1771, Burlington County, New Jersey Child of SAMUEL STRATTON and ELIZABETH PRICE is: 10.

i. JACOB10 STRATTON, b. November 16, 1776, Burlington County, New Jersey; d. February 21, 1856, Mullica Hill, Gloucester County, New Jersey.

Generation No. 10 10. JACOB10 STRATTON (SAMUEL9, MARY8 JOYCE, MARTHA7 PACKER, PHILIP*6, PHILIP*5, JOHN*4, WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born November 16, 1776 in Burlington County, New Jersey, and died February 21, 1856 in Mullica Hill, Gloucester County, New Jersey. He married MARY RILEY May 11, 1796 in Swedesboro, Gloucester County, New Jersey, daughter of THOMAS RILEY and MARY STRANG. She was born 1778 in Swedesboro, Gloucester County, New Jersey, and died September 19, 1852. More About JACOB STRATTON: Burial: St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Mullica Hill, Gloucester County, New Jersey More About MARY RILEY: Burial: September 20, 1852, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Mullica Hill, Gloucester County, New Jersey More About JACOB STRATTON and MARY RILEY: Marriage: May 11, 1796, Swedesboro, Gloucester County, New Jersey Child of JACOB STRATTON and MARY RILEY is: 11.

i. THOMAS* J.11 STRATTON, b. January 06, 1805, Swedesboro, Gloucester County, New Jersey; d. August 30, 1886, Mullica Hill, Gloucester County, New Jersey.

Generation No. 11

11. THOMAS* J.11 STRATTON (JACOB10, SAMUEL9, MARY8 JOYCE, MARTHA7 PACKER, PHILIP*6, PHILIP*5, JOHN*4, WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born January 06, 1805 in Swedesboro, Gloucester County, New Jersey, and died August 30, 1886 in Mullica Hill, Gloucester County, New Jersey. He married MARY HEWITT Abt. 1826 in Woodstown, Salem County, New Jersey, daughter of THOMAS HEWITT and MARY SMITH. She was born 1809 in Woodstown, Salem County, New Jersey, and died September 08, 1886 in Mullica Hill, Gloucester County, New Jersey. Notes for THOMAS* J. STRATTON: [Master File.ftw] Thomas was a prosperous farmer. He and Mary raised many foster children as well as six of their own. As each child married Thomas gave them a farm. Supposedly Mary Adelaide was not given a farm since she married a wealthy man, John Peterson Reece. More About THOMAS* J. STRATTON: Burial: Trinity United Methodist Church Cemetary, Mullica Hill, NJ Census: 1850, Harrison Twp., Gloucester County, New Jersey Occupation: Farmer More About MARY HEWITT: Burial: Trinity United Methodist Church Cemetary, Mullica Hill, NJ More About THOMAS* STRATTON and MARY HEWITT: Marriage: Abt. 1826, Woodstown, Salem County, New Jersey Children of THOMAS* STRATTON and MARY HEWITT are: 12. 13. 14.

i. MARY ADELAIDE12 STRATTON, b. December 12, 1844, Woodstown, Salem, NJ; d. August 1928, Mullica Hill, New Jersey. ii. EDWARD* S. STRATTON, b. 1835; d. 1879, Mullica Hill, NJ. iii. JACOB L. STRATTON, b. 1827; d. 1900, Gloucester Co., NJ. iv. SUSAN STRATTON, b. February 17, 1828, Woodstown, Salem County, New Jersey; d. December 19, 1904, Pittsgrove Twp., Salem County, New Jersey; m. RICHARD C. GOSLIN, 1846, Woodstown, Salem County, New Jersey; b. January 15, 1824; d. August 27, 1902. More About SUSAN STRATTON: Burial: Baptist Cemetery, Daretown, Salem County, New Jersey More About RICHARD C. GOSLIN: Burial: Baptist Cemetery, Daretown, Salem County, New Jersey Occupation: Master Carpenter More About RICHARD GOSLIN and SUSAN STRATTON: Marriage: 1846, Woodstown, Salem County, New Jersey v. ELIZABETH STRATTON, b. 1830. vi. CHARLES* T. STRATTON, b. 1833, Woodstown, NJ; m. (1) SARAH FENIMORE, November 29, 1865; b. 1838, Woodstown, Salem County, New Jersey; d. 1880; m. (2) SOPHRONIA JORDON, 1894; b. Abt. 1835, Woodstown, Salem County, New Jersey. Notes for CHARLES* T. STRATTON: He was a teacher of music, then civil engineer. He built the cliff wharf on Chester River and was agent for the Chester River Steamboat Co. at Chestertown, MD "Book of Strattons" More About CHARLES* STRATTON and SARAH FENIMORE: Marriage: November 29, 1865

More About CHARLES* STRATTON and SOPHRONIA JORDON: Marriage: 1894 15.

vii. THOMAS C. STRATTON, b. 1836; d. Aft. June 14, 1900. viii. DAVID B. STRATTON, b. 1836. ix. JOHN B. STRATTON, b. 1844.

Generation No. 12 12. MARY ADELAIDE12 STRATTON (THOMAS* J.11, JACOB10, SAMUEL9, MARY8 JOYCE, MARTHA7 PACKER, PHILIP*6, PHILIP*5, JOHN*4, WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born December 12, 1844 in Woodstown, Salem, NJ, and died August 1928 in Mullica Hill, New Jersey. She married JOHN* PETERSON REECE December 24, 1862 in Old Swede's Church, Philadelphia, PA, son of GEORGE* REECE and RUTH PETERSON. He was born November 08, 1839 in Elbridge Hill, Salem, NJ, and died November 1916 in Mullica Hill, New Jersey. Notes for MARY ADELAIDE STRATTON: [Master File.ftw]

Mary Adelaide Stratton After her three daughters were born, May Stratton Reece told her husband, "Don't worry, John, I'll keep on

having children until a son is born." George arrived shortly thereafter. Notes for JOHN* PETERSON REECE: [Master File.ftw] Partner in a carriage making business called Hoffman/Reece carriages, he was a "trimmer" by trade. He and Mary eloped and were married in Old Swede's Church in South Philadelphia when Mary was 18. This is interesting also in view of the fact that Ruth Peterson, John's mother, was of Swedish descent, from the immigrant, Mans Peterson who came to New Sweden (on the Delaware) on the ship "Eagle" with Governor Rising in 1654 as the governor's provost marshal. They first lived on Main Street in Mullica Hill but eventually they took over the farm that John's father owned. More About JOHN* REECE and MARY STRATTON: Marriage: December 24, 1862, Old Swede's Church, Philadelphia, PA Children of MARY STRATTON and JOHN* REECE are: 16.

i. ii. iii. iv.

RUTH ELLA13 REECE, b. September 27, 1871; d. January 01, 1965, Carlisle, PA. GEORGE REECE, b. 1873; d. 1953; m. MARY; b. 1873; d. 1954. VIRGINIA REECE. EMMA REECE.

13. EDWARD* S.12 STRATTON (THOMAS* J.11, JACOB10, SAMUEL9, MARY8 JOYCE, MARTHA7 PACKER, PHILIP*6, PHILIP*5, JOHN*4, WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1835, and died 1879 in Mullica Hill, NJ. He married MARY SUMMERSET 1855. Notes for EDWARD* S. STRATTON: Attorney at law and soldier during Civil War

Edward Stratton More About EDWARD* STRATTON and MARY SUMMERSET: Marriage: 1855 Children of EDWARD* STRATTON and MARY SUMMERSET are: i. ii. iii. iv.


William Heisler Stratton 14. JACOB L.12 STRATTON (THOMAS* J.11, JACOB10, SAMUEL9, MARY8 JOYCE, MARTHA7 PACKER, PHILIP*6, PHILIP*5, JOHN*4, WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1827, and died 1900 in Gloucester Co., NJ. He married SARAH MURPHY 1846. More About JACOB STRATTON and SARAH MURPHY: Marriage: 1846 Children of JACOB STRATTON and SARAH MURPHY are:

i. JOHN MURPHY13 STRATTON, m. ELLA STOUT, 1871. More About JOHN STRATTON and ELLA STOUT: Marriage: 1871


15. THOMAS C.12 STRATTON (THOMAS* J.11, JACOB10, SAMUEL9, MARY8 JOYCE, MARTHA7 PACKER, PHILIP*6, PHILIP*5, JOHN*4, WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1836, and died Aft. June 14, 1900. He married ROSEY OLIVER DIAMOND December 12, 1861 in Philadelphia, PA. She was born April 1840 in New York, and died Aft. June 14, 1900. More About THOMAS C. STRATTON: Occupation: farmer More About THOMAS STRATTON and ROSEY DIAMOND: Marriage: December 12, 1861, Philadelphia, PA Children of THOMAS STRATTON and ROSEY DIAMOND are: 17.

i. CHARLES P.13 STRATTON, b. 1863. ii. MARY C. STRATTON, b. 1865. iii. CLEMENTINE M. STRATTON, b. October 1867.

Generation No. 13 16. RUTH ELLA13 REECE (MARY ADELAIDE12 STRATTON, THOMAS* J.11, JACOB10, SAMUEL9, MARY8 JOYCE, MARTHA7 PACKER, PHILIP*6, PHILIP*5, JOHN*4, WILLIAM*3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born September 27, 1871, and died January 01, 1965 in Carlisle, PA. She married EZRA BRADWAY* SHARP, son of REUBEN* SHARP and MARY BRADWAY. He was born October 15, 1861 in Hayleyville, NJ, and died August 16, 1916 in Haleyville, NJ. More About RUTH ELLA REECE: Burial: Haleyville Methodist Church Cemetary

Ruth Ella Reece

Notes for EZRA BRADWAY* SHARP: [Master File.ftw] Born in Hayleyville, Ezra went to school until the age of sixteen. He was in algebra class and was arguing with the teacher about the solution to a math problem. Ezra was so sure that hew was right that he picked up his books and left school, taught himself at home and eventually went to medical school. Worked in foundry in Bridgeton at 18 and then read medicine with Dr. Enoch Fithian in Greenwich, NJ. Went to Maryland Medical School, returned to Greenwich to take over practice of Dr. Fithian. (Dr. Fithian lived to over 100 years of age and was much beloved by the people of Greenwich. There is an exhibit in his honor in the Historical Society of Greenwich.) He then moved to Roadstown and purchased an old inn where they lived. For two years he practiced medicine in Roadstown, then moved to 504 Broadway, Camden, NJ. later Mullica Hill farm More About EZRA BRADWAY* SHARP: Burial: Haleyville Methodist Church Cemetary Occupation: Physician

Ezra Bradway Sharp Children of RUTH REECE and EZRA SHARP are: 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii.

MARY VIRGINIA14 SHARP, b. August 31, 1895, Roadstown, NJ; d. September 1984, Carlisle, PA. DR. REUBEN* LORE SHARP, b. August 14, 1897; d. October 17, 1968, Haleyville, NJ. PHEBE LORE SHARP, b. January 11, 1901; d. 1952, Syracuse, NY. JOHN REECE SHARP, b. October 20, 1903; d. December 18, 1990, Carlisle, PA. WILLIAM* BRADWAY SHARP, b. October 11, 1908; d. February 18, 1992, Carlisle, PA. RUTH REECE SHARP, b. February 1911; d. October 1990. JOSEPH SHARP, b. 1912; d. 1915, Pittman, NJ. EZRA B. SHARP, b. Private.

[PDF] Descendants of Thomas Packer - Free Download PDF (2024)


How to get to know God personally? ›

We can know God personally by seeing His Word in creation, in our hands, and in our hearts. You come to personally know God, your Father, Creator, and Redeemer, when: Through His works in Creation, you see objectively that He exists.

What is knowing God according to the Bible? ›

Knowing God (eternal life) is something we can have right now (John 3:36). The word “know” is used in Scripture to describe the relationship between a man and his wife that produces a child (example: Gen. 4:1). It is speaking of intimacy. So “knowing God” is speaking of intimacy with Him.

How do I know if God talks to me? ›

It is suggested that we must have complete faith and trust in God, pay attention to tiny voices, chedule time for God regularly, stay open, etc., and remember that we are important to God. Many claim that God talks when there is a sense of feelings of happiness and peace, and while serving others.

What is the difference between knowing God and knowing about God? ›

Knowing about God is a cerebral exercise. We can recount stories from holy scriptures, list His attributes, and even defend doctrines. But true knowledge of God, the kind that transforms lives and hearts, goes beyond intellectual understanding. It dives deep into personal experience and intimate connection.

How do I connect with God personally? ›

Making it a priority to take time alone every day to pray, meditate, read, listen, and/or journal can make a world of difference in your day and in your life. Committing to any of these disciplines It will help your outlook on life, give you strength, encourage you, center you and ground you before you face the day.

How can I talk to God personally? ›

Set aside time to pray to God.

Prayer can be considered a more formal way to talk to God because it is primarily rooted in religion. However, you can choose to pray in whatever way feels comfortable to you. While you can pray at any time and in any place, it helps to set aside specific times of the day to pray.

How can I hear God personally? ›

6 Tips on How to Hear from God
  1. Position yourself close to God. Samuel set his bed up in the temple, “where the ark of God was” (v. ...
  2. Find a place of regular service to God. In v. ...
  3. Listen for God's voice. ...
  4. When God calls, respond eagerly. ...
  5. When God speaks, obey Him. ...
  6. Read and study the Word of God.
Feb 15, 2016

How do I get to know my God? ›

True knowledge of God goes beyond cataloguing facts to a personal relationship. Knowledge of God comes from walking through life with God, thinking of him, talking to him, and worshipping him. Knowledge of God goes beyond merely understanding the truth about him, it applies that truth personally.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.