Dragon Ball Super: Groundbreaking - Chapter 111 - AraCypherElphieZA (2024)

Chapter Text

Obuni watched the family from afar, remembering how broken Gohan was after the Tournament of Power. The Demi-Saiyan had fought with everything he had, yet the toll was clear. Gohan had been mentally and emotionally drained, fighting not just for survival but to prove himself in a universe that seemed to expect the impossible from him.

The memory of their battle flickered in Obuni's mind. He had seen Gohan's unwavering determination, the fire in his spirit, but also the deep, hidden sadness—the kind that comes from carrying too much, too soon. Obuni had respected Gohan for his unyielding strength, understanding the pain of fighting for the safety of loved ones, the sacrifices made in the name of duty and honor. At the same time, however, the Universe 10 warrior also knew that the scars of the past never truly fade.

“Are you doing alright?”

Gohan turned at the sound of the voice, a bit startled to see Obuni standing there. "Yeah, I’m alright," the Demi-Saiyan replied, his voice steady but tinged with the remnants of his earlier emotions. "Just… trying to get a grip on things, you know?"

Obuni nodded, his gaze shifting to Goku and Pan, who were now engaged in a lighthearted conversation, their laughter a soothing contrast to the heavy discussion that had just taken place. "It’s never easy, balancing the weight of responsibility with the need to be there for those you love. But you’ve done well, Gohan. Better than most."

Gohan looked at Obuni, appreciating the words but still feeling the lingering doubts that had plagued him for so long. "I just worry that I’m not doing enough. That I’m not strong enough to protect them, to face what’s coming."

Obuni’s expression softened, a mixture of empathy and understanding in his eyes. "Strength isn’t just about power or fighting ability. It’s about your heart, your choices, and the people you choose to stand by. You’ve proven your strength time and again, not just in battle but in your commitment to your family and your principles. That’s what sets you apart."

Gohan took a deep breath, letting Obuni’s words sink in. He knew there was truth in them, but accepting it was another matter. The fear of failing, of not being enough, was a constant shadow, one that he had to confront every day.

"Thanks, Obuni," Gohan said after a moment, his voice quieter now, but more resolute. "I needed to hear that."

Obuni smiled, a rare but genuine expression. "We all need reminders sometimes. And remember, you don’t have to carry the weight alone. You’ve got people who care about you, who want to help. Let them."

“I know…”

The Multiverse Council's meeting room hummed with palpable tension as Gohan stood before the assembled members. Each screen flickered with images of different worlds, some peaceful and thriving, others embroiled in conflict and turmoil. The Council members, a diverse group of warriors, scholars, and leaders from across the multiverse, watched Gohan intently, their expressions a mix of curiosity, concern, and respect.

Among them were familiar faces: Piccolo, his stern gaze unwavering as he regarded Gohan with the quiet confidence of a mentor who knew his pupil well; Jiren, the stoic Pride Trooper from Universe 11, his arms crossed as he analyzed the situation with a critical eye; and Obuni, standing slightly to the side, his calm presence a steadying force in the room.

Gohan took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He knew that what he was about to propose would be met with skepticism, but there was no other option. The stakes were too high, and the danger too great to ignore. The urgency of the situation was palpable, and Gohan's voice carried the gravity of the threat as he addressed the Council members.

"Thank you all for coming," Gohan began, his voice steady but tinged with the gravity of the situation. "As you know, we are facing an unprecedented threat—Omega, an entity unlike any other. He has been manipulating events across the multiverse, and his power is growing. We have dealt with powerful enemies before, but Omega is different. He is not just a threat to one universe; he is a threat to all of them. If we do not stop him, everything we know could be destroyed.

His main objective is to stop our resistance from collecting the shards for the Crystal of Reality. Once combined, these shards will give us access to Zalama’s Realm, where we can remove the Minus Energy infused within the Super Dragon Balls. As of right now, the process of cleansing is still unknown.” Gohan took another deep breath, the enormity of the task ahead weighing heavily on him. “We can’t afford to fight him alone, universe by universe. We must unite our strengths, share our knowledge, and work as one force. The Crystal of Reality is our only chance—if we can cleanse the Minus Energy, we’ll have the power to confront Omega directly. But to do that, we need all the shards, and we need them now.”

Obuni, who had been listening intently, nodded in agreement. “Gohan’s right. Omega thrives on division and chaos. If we stand together, we have a chance. But we must act swiftly and decisively. We cannot allow Omega to continue his manipulations unchecked.”

There was a murmur of agreement among the Council members, but the uncertainty still lingered in the air. Gohan could sense the doubt, the fear of facing an enemy so powerful and elusive. But he also felt the resolve, the determination to protect their worlds and the people they loved.

“We’ll split into teams,” Gohan continued, his voice growing stronger with conviction. “Each team will be responsible for retrieving a shard. We’ll share our intel, coordinate our efforts, and stay in constant communication. If Omega makes a move, we’ll be ready. This isn’t just about fighting—it's about outsmarting him.” He’s not going to get away with hurting me or my family ever again, not if I can help it. "But it’s not just about the Dragon Balls," the Demi-Saiyan continued, his voice gaining strength. "We need to be prepared for the possibility that even with them, Omega may not be fully defeated. We have to strengthen our defenses, protect our people, and be ready for whatever comes next."

Piccolo leaned forward, his gaze intense. "We’ll need to mobilize our forces, coordinate across universes. This isn’t just about one battle; it’s a war for survival."

Gohan nodded. "Exactly. And we need everyone on board. No more holding back, no more secrets. If we’re going to win this, we need total commitment from every single one of us."

It was decided that each universe’s 5 strongest and tactically diverse individuals would team up to retrieve the shard from their respective universe. The shards were located in Universes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 11. The plan was set, and each universe prepared for the monumental task ahead.

The grand doors of the Multiverse Council meeting room within the Zenos' Palace creaked shut as the last of the deities and warriors filed out, their hushed whispers fading into the distance. The room, once brimming with the vibrant energy of powerful beings from across the universes, now stood in an eerie silence. The only remaining figures were Piccolo and the Grand Priest, both shrouded in the gravity of the moment.

Piccolo's sharp eyes traced the intricate patterns on the floor, his mind still reeling from the discussions that had just taken place. The Zenos' Palace, a place where reality itself bent to the whims of the Zenos, seemed to hum with a life of its own, as if the palace itself was aware of the secret about to be unveiled.

The Grand Priest's serene expression belied the weight of the truth he was about to reveal. His eyes, ancient and all-seeing, rested on Piccolo, who stood stoic, his arms crossed over his chest in a familiar gesture of contemplation.

"Piccolo," the Grand Priest began, his voice calm but carrying an undertone of something far more ominous. "There is a truth you must be made aware of. A truth that predates the Tournament of Power by millennia."

Piccolo's antennae twitched slightly, a subtle sign of his growing concern. He had faced countless threats, from the tyrannical Frieza to the monstrous Cell, but something about the Grand Priest's tone sent a chill down his spine.

"The Crystal of Reality," the Grand Priest continued, his gaze distant as if peering into the past, "was shattered thousands of years ago by a being of immense power—a being known as Omega."

Piccolo's eyes widened, the name sending a ripple of unease through him. The Crystal of Reality, a mythical artifact said to govern the very fabric of existence, shattered? The implications were staggering.

"Omega..." Piccolo repeated, his voice barely a whisper. "How could this have happened?"

The Grand Priest's expression remained unreadable as he explained. "Omega was a force beyond comprehension, a cosmic entity that sought to unbind the multiverse, to return it to a state of chaos. In his rampage, he shattered the Crystal of Reality, scattering its shards across the multiverse. Each shard, a fragment of the crystal's original power, became a potential catalyst for destruction."

Piccolo felt a knot forming in his chest, the weight of the revelation pressing down on him. He knew what this meant—why the Grand Priest had chosen this moment, this place, to tell him.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Piccolo asked, though he suspected he already knew the answer.

The Grand Priest's gaze softened, almost imperceptibly. "Because, Piccolo, your student—Gohan—has awakened a power that could change the course of the multiverse. The Cosmic Sage powers he now possesses are the key to uniting the shards of the Crystal of Reality. But with this power comes a burden. Gohan must understand the true nature of the threat he faces."

Piccolo clenched his fists, the weight of responsibility settling heavily on his shoulders. He had trained Gohan, and watched him grow from a scared child into a warrior of unparalleled strength. But this... this was different. The knowledge of Omega and the shattered crystal was a burden no one should have to bear, least of all Gohan. But he knew the Grand Priest was right. Gohan had to see the truth.

"But he won't be able to handle it," Piccolo said, his voice laced with concern. "Gohan has always carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. This... this could break him."

The Grand Priest placed a reassuring hand on Piccolo's shoulder, a rare gesture of empathy. "I understand your concern, Piccolo. But Gohan is not alone. He has you, his family, and the strength of his own convictions. The truth may be heavy, but it is also necessary. Only by confronting it can he find the resolve to unite the shards and prevent Omega's reign of terror across the multiverse."

Piccolo closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He could see Gohan's face in his mind, the earnest determination in his eyes, the kindness that had always set him apart from other warriors. Gohan had always fought to protect, to save, to preserve life. But now, he would have to fight with the knowledge that the very fabric of reality was at stake.

When Piccolo opened his eyes again, they were filled with a new resolve. He nodded, more to himself than to the Grand Priest.

"I'll tell him," Piccolo said firmly. "But I'll be there every step of the way. He won't face this burden alone."

The Grand Priest nodded, his expression one of approval. "Very well, Piccolo. Prepare him for the path ahead. The fate of the multiverse may very well rest in his hands."

As Piccolo turned to leave the council chamber, the weight of the revelation still pressing on him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The road ahead would be fraught with danger, but he knew that Gohan was the only one who could walk it.

And he would be there to make sure Gohan didn't walk it alone.

In the midst of preparations, Gohan and Piccolo stood together, discussing their approach. “We’ve got our work cut out for us,” Piccolo said, his tone serious. “Each shard is likely to be guarded and could be in hostile territory. We need to ensure that our teams are not only powerful but also prepared for unexpected challenges.”

Gohan nodded in agreement. “We’ve got to consider Omega’s influence and possible traps. We need to make sure our teams can handle more than just physical threats—they need to be ready for psychological and strategic manipulations as well.”

Piccolo sighed. “The Grand Priest told me Omega was the one who shattered the Crystal of Reality… And only your powers alone have the ability to reunite the shards as one.”

"So it’s personal now," Gohan muttered, his eyes blazing. "All this time, I’ve been nothing but a pawn in Omega’s sick game. Every battle, every struggle—I’ve been pushed into it. From the moment I was dragged into this world of constant fighting, nothing has been my own choice. Every decision, every fight—none of it has been for me. It’s been for him."

Piccolo watched in stunned silence as Gohan’s outburst grew more intense. "Gohan, I understand you’re frustrated, but–"

"Understand?!" Gohan cut him off, his voice rising to a roar. "You don’t understand! You and everyone else have dragged me into this from the start. You took me from my peaceful life as a child and threw me into battle after battle. Do you remember how you kidnapped me to train? Or how you fake-kidnapped Pan during the Cell Max ordeal to force me into action? You think that was justifiable? Every single moment of my life I’ve fought has been a battle—one that was never my choice, obligated, or forced upon me."

Piccolo’s eyes widened as Gohan’s anger exploded. He had seen Gohan angry before, but this was different—this was a deep-seated fury fueled by years of feeling manipulated and used. The weight of Gohan’s words struck hard.

"Gohan, I did what I thought was necessary to prepare you," Piccolo said, trying to calm the situation. "I thought you needed to be strong–"

"Strong?!" Gohan shouted, his voice trembling with emotion. "I’ve had to be strong just to survive, just to keep everyone else safe. I’ve been living in survival mode since day one! I never asked for this. I never asked to be the hero or the savior or any of it. All I ever wanted was to live a normal life, but every time I try, I’m pulled back into this hell. I’m sick of it!"

The argument had drawn the attention of the rest of Team Universe 7, who gathered around, their faces a mixture of concern and confusion. Goku, who had been watching from the sidelines, was visibly shocked. The sight of his son in such a state was more than he could handle.

"Gohan, I didn’t mean to–" Goku began, but his voice faltered as Gohan turned to him, his face flushed with anger and pain.

"Didn’t mean to?" Gohan snapped, his voice cracking. "When you convinced the Omni Kings to start the Tournament of Power, regardless of Omega’s suggestion to erase the losing universes, it was my plan that you threw away. Do you know what it felt like to have my ideas dismissed so easily? To watch you decide everyone’s fate without considering what I went through?"

Piccolo stood by in silence, feeling the gravity of Gohan’s outburst. The room was thick with tension as Gohan’s words echoed off the walls. Goku looked pained, unable to grasp the depth of Gohan’s frustration entirely but sensing the hurt behind his son’s rage.

“I understand you’re upset,” Goku said, his voice laden with regret. “But I didn’t mean to undermine you.”

“Dad, look…” Gohan's voice was soft, so vulnerable and gentle. “I’m sorry for bringing that up again, I know we've moved past it, but I just…” He pressed his forehead to his father's. “The backtracking is needed for me to set things straight and process it all… I know you were trying to help, especially now, but I can't live by someone else's expectations for me…not anymore… I don't want to be upset with any of you, but I need you to understand how much I need to find my own path," Gohan continued, his voice steadying. "I appreciate everything you've both done, truly. But I need to step back and decide what I want for myself, without the weight of expectations or past decisions hanging over me."

Piccolo nodded, understanding the depth of Gohan's struggle. "You've grown into a remarkable person, Gohan. Whatever you choose, know that we support you."

Goku placed a hand on Gohan's shoulder. "We're proud of you, son. Just remember, we're here for you, no matter what."

“Dad, I know what it feels like to not know your place in this universe, because I’ve seen it within you too…” Gohan's words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken truths and shared pain. Goku, usually so confident and sure of his path, felt a pang of vulnerability as he looked into his son's eyes. For a moment, the roles seemed reversed—Gohan was the one offering wisdom, while Goku was the one in need of guidance. Gohan continued, his voice softer now, but filled with a deep understanding. "Dad, I've seen you struggle with your place in this world. You’ve always been the one to push forward, to fight for everyone’s sake, but I know there’s a part of you that wonders if it’s enough, or if it’s even the right path. You’ve always fought because it’s what you’re best at, but sometimes I think you wonder if there’s more—if there’s something else you should be doing.”

Goku’s expression softened, his usually bright eyes clouded with introspection. “You’re right, Gohan. I love fighting, it’s who I am. But there have been times… especially after everything with Zamasu, the Tournament of Power, and now this Omega… where I wonder if I’m leading us all in the right direction. I’ve always believed in getting stronger, in pushing past our limits, but maybe… maybe there’s more to it than that.”

Gohan nodded, feeling a strange sense of calm in the midst of the storm that had just passed. “There is more to it, Dad. We’re not just fighters; we’re people with lives, families, and dreams. And sometimes, those things don’t align with being a warrior. We’ve been conditioned to fight, to protect, to be the best—because that’s what’s expected of us. But we have to find our own balance, our own path. That’s what I’m trying to figure out now.”

As if sensing the need to break the tension, Vegeta, who had been quietly observing from the back, finally spoke up. His voice, though gruff, carried an undercurrent of understanding. "Kakarot, Gohan… you both have your own paths to walk. We all do. But don’t think for a second that finding that path means abandoning what you’ve learned through battle. Every fight, every struggle—those are the fires that have forged us into who we are. But that doesn’t mean they have to define us forever."

Gohan turned to Vegeta, surprised by the unexpected wisdom in his words. Vegeta, who had always been the rival, the warrior consumed by pride and the need to surpass Goku, now seemed to have found a deeper understanding of himself and his journey. There was a peace in Vegeta's eyes, a hard-won acceptance of his own dual nature as both a warrior and a man.

The Saiyan Prince continued, his tone softening slightly. "We’re not just Saiyans; we’re more than our heritage. We’re individuals with the power to choose our own fates. If you want to step back and find your own way, Gohan, then do it. But remember, you’re not alone. We’ve all been shaped by the same forces, and we’ll stand by you, no matter what you decide."

Gohan felt a sense of relief, a lightening of the burden he had carried for so long. He realized that the people around him—his father, Piccolo, Vegeta, and the others—were more than just comrades in battle. They were his family, bound not just by blood or shared struggles but by a mutual understanding of what it meant to live in a world constantly teetering on the edge of destruction.

“Thank you, Vegeta,” Gohan said quietly, his voice steady. “I’m grateful for your words, all of you. I’ve spent so long trying to meet everyone’s expectations, trying to be what I thought I needed to be. But now… now I think it’s time to figure out who I am, beyond the fighting.”

Piccolo stepped forward, his hand resting on Gohan’s shoulder. “You’ll find your way, Gohan. And whatever you choose, know that you’ve already made us proud.”

Woven into the fabric of who he was, pulling him in different directions, the complex strands of his past had always seemed like an intricate web of fate. Each thread was a memory, a challenge, or a decision that had shaped his journey. Yet now, for the first time, Gohan was beginning to see those threads in a new light. What had once appeared as unyielding chains, binding him to a predestined path, were gradually revealing themselves as something far more liberating. Instead of constraining him, they were forming a vibrant tapestry of experiences—each thread representing a lesson learned, a battle fought, or a moment of growth. This rich, multi-colored fabric was not a set of rigid restrictions but a flexible guide, offering him the freedom to weave his future with intention and choice.

Gohan closed his eyes, letting the weight of the moment settle into his very core. The room was silent, save for the soft hum of energy that always seemed to linger in the presence of such powerful beings. He felt the warmth of his father's hand on his shoulder, the steadfast support of Piccolo at his side, and even the begrudging camaraderie of Vegeta, who stood a little apart, but with a presence that spoke of unspoken respect. For a moment, Gohan allowed himself to simply breathe, to exist without the crushing expectations that had always been placed upon him.

He could feel the echoes of the past reverberating through him, the memories of battles fought and won, of losses that still haunted him. It was as though each memory was a thread, pulling him back to moments he had long tried to bury.

There was that time on Namek, when he had first felt the true terror of battle, standing beside his father and Piccolo, their lives hanging in the balance. The fear had been so overwhelming, but he had pushed through it, driven by the need to protect those he loved. And then, years later, there was Cell—the monster that had forced him to tap into a power he hadn’t even known he possessed, a power that had terrified him just as much as it had awed those around him.

But it wasn’t just the battles that weighed on him; it was the quiet moments too, the times when he had looked at his family and wondered if he would ever truly be free of the cycle of violence that had shaped his life. He remembered looking into Videl’s eyes after the defeat of Majin Buu, the way she had smiled at him with such faith, such love, and wondering if he would ever deserve it.

He did deserve it.

He deserved the world.

Dragon Ball Super: Groundbreaking - Chapter 111 - AraCypherElphieZA (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.