AP Lucian – The Ultimate Build Guide (2025)

Lucian is one of the most popular champions in League of Legends. Even though he is usually played as an ADC, no matter what the meta is, AP Lucian is a fun spin-off on your favourite marksman that is guaranteed to give you an enjoyable match.

Although most of his damage is physical, Lucian’s W and R are affected by AP, and rather significantly so. You can even melt enemies like a super-farmed mage with Lucian!

AP Lucian is a high-burst ultimate-machine kind of build that will allow you to have a blast while playing in a way your enemies will never expect Lucian to be played!

Also check out: How to build on Cassiopeia

Table of Content

AP Lucian Background:

AP Lucian – The Ultimate Build Guide (1)

Added to League of Legends in 2013, Lucian enjoys immense popularity as an ADC champion. No matter the meta, you are bound to run into a Lucian sooner or later in your endless hours spent on League of Legends in pursuit of LP.

However, LoL players have shown that their creativity knows no bounds. This is why AP Lucian has become a very viable pick in recent years. Despite being an explicitly ADC champion, Lucian can be played as an AP champion and is unreasonably effective.

This ADC is now commonly being flexed as an AP support. You may think it’s like trolling on purpose, but this build actually works, especially if you are playing with premades. Keep scrolling for a detailed build guide.

How Does AP Lucian Work?

AP Lucian – The Ultimate Build Guide (2)

Lucian’s W (Ardent Blaze) has AP scaling, and does magical damage. His W has a whopping 90% AP scaling! It has an incredible amount of damage, and the AP scaling is a bit unfair, but that’s good for us AP Lucian fanatics.

Additionally, Lucian’s ultimate can also scale via AP. Despite the scaling with AD being higher, the AP scaling at 15% is still quite significant considering the speed at which Lucian launches projectiles during his ultimate.

By abusing your W and using your R to finish off your enemies, you can use AP Lucian to be an extremely annoying opponent in lane. Plus, being non-meta means your enemies won’t know what to do, or how to counter you.

Best Items for AP Lucian:

AP Lucian – The Ultimate Build Guide (3)

There are a bunch of items that go really well with AP Lucian. The best items to build on him are:

Luden’s Tempest:

Luden’s Tempest is one of the best items for burst AP champions such as Lucian. It can easily be triggered by your W and allow you to deal heaps and heaps of damage with a single ability cast.

Luden’s gives you an amazing amount of mana and ability power, and helps you tear down enemy champions early on in the game with ease. It is a must-have for AP Lucian.

This is also the mythic of choice since it gives bonus magic penetration to all your Legendary items as well, which boosts your one-shot potential.

Sorcerer’s Shoes:

Another must-build for AP Lucian is Sorcerer’s Shoes. The magic penetration will allow you to bypass whatever magic resistance items your enemies buy. This will go well with the burst damage your W + R combo provides. Even the tankiest of champions will not be able to escape unscathed.

If you aren’t convinced yet, the magic penetration allows you to deal significant damage by spamming your W, which will melt the HP of your opponents.

Lich Bane:

Lich Bane gives you much needed AP boost, and also a sweet movement percentage increase. This is highly desirable for an AP Lucian who wants to weave in and out of enemies, dealing high amounts of damage.

Lich Bane also provides your attacks bonus attack damage based on your AP after you cast an ability, which is incredibly useful and it seems like this item was made specifically for an AP Lucian. It fits too well! Lich Bane is a must have too.

Zhonya’s Hourglass

You might find that you are being quickly shut down right as team fights begin. No need to worry! There is an item just for that situation! Zhonya’s Hourglass gives a significant AP boost as well as allowing you to live through the initial vicious assault of enemy ADCs.

It is a must have for difficult situations where you are constantly being nuked down.

Rabadon’s Deathcap:

Rabadon’s Deathcap is the best item you can bless your AP champion with. What else do you even need? Rabadon’s Deathcap gives you a MASSIVE AP boost which will make your W and R even deadlier. This is the item which you must attain in order to reach the level of conventionally high damage AP mages. After this, you can quite literally one shot your enemies.


After Rabadon’s Deathcap, there’s not much more you need. However, your enemies will most definitely build some sort of magic resistance items in the late-game. To counter this, you should go for a Shadowflame.

It gives you an AP boost similar to that of Rabadon’s Deathcap, and a delicious method of rendering the enemies’ magic resistance useless.

After this, all you need to do is run around one shotting everyone! Have fun!

Our Verdict:

AP Lucian is an interesting build on one of the most popular League of Legends ADCs, and you can play this to confuse both your enemies and your teammates whilst having the time of your life.

What are your thoughts on this playstyle? Let us know in the comments down below whether you prefer AP or AD Lucian.

Also check out our Miss Fortune LoL build guide.

AP Lucian – The Ultimate Build Guide (2025)


What is the best build for Lucian damage? ›

Based on our analysis of 59 352 matches in patch 14.17 the best build for Lucian is Essence Reaver, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Navori Flickerblade, Infinity Edge, and Lord Dominik's Regards.

What is the best build for Lucien? ›

Based on our analysis of 1 105 matches in patch 14.17 the best build for Lucian is Blade of The Ruined King, Plated Steelcaps, Essence Reaver, Black Cleaver, and Infinity Edge.

Is Lucian ad or ap? ›

The total damage at the maximum number of shots (at 100% critical strike chance) is 705 / 1410 / 2115 (+ 1175% AD) (+ 705% AP) physical damage.

Why is Lucian so powerful? ›

Immortality: As well as being the first Lycan in existence, Lucian is a nigh immortal being. He is practically invulnerable to most conventional causes of fatality, and has a endless lifespan, being immune to aging and disease.

What is the best combo for Lucian? ›

Top 6 Best Supports to Synergy with Lucian in League of Legends
  • #1: Milio. Milio and Lucian form one of the most formidable bot lane duos in the current meta, making them a top pick in professional play. ...
  • #2: Nami. ...
  • #3: Braum. ...
  • #4: Thresh. ...
  • #5: Nautilus. ...
  • #6: Senna.
Apr 22, 2024

What is the win rate for Lucian build? ›

Lucian Build for Bottom Patch 14.16
Pick rateWin rate
78.99% 153,853 Games50.30%

Why is Lucien so strong? ›

Lucien possesses all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire. But being over a thousand years old and the first vampire ever sired, he is one of the strongest vampires in existence, second only to the Original Vampires.

What Lane is Lucian good for? ›

Lucian is excellent during the mid-game as this is the time where he is the most powerful. He can now go to a side lane and split push due to his Passive and basic abilities. This is also why his abilities will hit like a truck, and he will frequently kill enemies.

Who has the highest AP ratio in LoL? ›

  • The ability with the largest AP ratio is Annie's Summon Tibbers, with a maximum AP ratio of (+ 615% AP) counting initial cast of (+ 75% AP) and the target taking damage from all 45 ticks of. Tibbers aura damage ((+ 12% AP) per tick).
  • The second and third bounces of Nami's.

Who is strong against Lucian? ›

Based on our analysis of 60 987 matches, the best counters for Lucian Bot are Seraphine, Kog'Maw, Draven, Twitch and Jhin. On the other hand, Lucian Bot counters Tristana, Kalista, Zeri, Ziggs and Nilah.

Why rapid fire cannon on Lucian? ›

Rapid Firecannon is your general item to buy if game is going smooth, you aren't super ahead and don't want the domination from Infinity Edge , if you are behind consider taking Phantom Dancer instead of Rapid Firecannon as it will give you more survivability.

Who is Lucian married to LoL? ›

Senna are husband and wife. Lucian's father Urias saved Senna as a child and later helped her become a Sentinel. Senna met Lucian to deliver the news of his father's death. Love developed between them and they became husband and wife.

Who is better ezreal or Lucian? ›

Lucian wins against Ezreal 51.48% of the time which is 1.22% higher against Ezreal than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Lucian wins against Ezreal -0.05% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Lucian build & runes against Ezreal.

Is Lucian strong early? ›

Lucian is strong in the early game thanks to his high base damage and abilities that allow him to play aggressively.

What is the best Pokemon for Lucian? ›

Houndoom, Drapion and Weavile are pretty good. Giratina should pretty much solo Lucian with Shadow Claw, with the help of a few healing items.

Does Lucian deal magic damage? ›

Whenever Lucian uses an ability, his next attack becomes a double-shot. When Lucian is healed or shielded by an ally, or when a nearby enemy Champion is immobilized, his next 2 basic attacks will deal bonus magic damage.


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